Tuition Rates
2025-2026 Rates are as follows:
K-8th Grade Standard Tuition Rate: $9,435/year
Pre-Kindergarten 3 & 4 Tuition Rates: $7,435/year
The K-8th rate does not reflect the Active-Catholic Parishioner Grant. To receive this grant, families must provide a verification form (available in the main office) signed and sealed by their parish priest and a Roman Catholic Baptismal certificate to the school office by June 13th. For those families who are not receiving the Active-Catholic Parishioner Grant, the standard rate of $9,435 will apply. Multi-child rates are available. Tuition Assistance is need-based and available to those who have submitted an ADW Tuition Assistance Application.
Note: Registration Fees, Admissions Fees and First Month’s tuition are non-refundable. Families with ONLY Pre-K students are exempt from Major Event and Volunteer Service Commitments.